Pink Cadillac

Chronicles of my journeys here, there and everywhere. Join the fun, join the ride. Hop in. Welcome to Pink Cadillac!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dancing in the Rain

Versailles garden
Originally uploaded by Rhyanne.
It was actually raining at this time. But no amount of water can dampen our heighted emotions on having fun in the garden. The very same garden where the royal French feet used to stroll around centuries ago.

versailles garden fountain

versailles garden fountain
Originally uploaded by Rhyanne.
One out of one hundred plus fountains in the garden.

Hmmm.. Do I make a good fountain pose?


Versailles garden
Originally uploaded by Rhyanne.
These isometric designed plants were inspired from the Italian art. It creates a sense of balance and structure.

Pretty good for me. Good enough to make it into a Christmas tree!