The Mona Lisa Smile
The lady in the picture is believed to be the wife of the prominent Italian, Francesco del Gioconde. Leonardo was an Italian painter from Vinci (This explains why he's called Leonardo da Vinci, meaning Leonardo of Vinci. I thought it was his family name). and he brought this painting to France when King Francis I commissioned him to embelish the Louvre.
The painting measures by around 30 by 20 inches. Smaller than I expected. And is concealed in a clear-glass cascket. Yeah, it is small and the back ground kinda gloomy. It looks like those replications and reproductions sold in art stores.
My opinion, it is not as grand as I expected it to be - given from the raves I heard. (No offense to Mona Lisa fans). I think all the talks and the amplifications heightened my expections to a very high level, when in fact I have seen other more colorful and larger paintings. Then again, I'm no professional art critic. I may have not seen what others have seen. Just to set things straight, I do not not like her. I like the painting. Just that, it did not level up to my expectation. But more or less, still great!
But here are several reasons that may have caused the fuss and the upheaval of The Mona Lisa. First, is the technology that Leonardo used. This took four years to make. And one amazing thing about this painting is the visual illusion that it gives. Look into her eyes and move around the room - it looks as if her eyes are moving, following after you. Plus the smile. That mysterious smile that seem to hide a secret.
Secondly, this painting has been stolen - twice. Thus magnifying its eminence, catapult to all the commotions it has brought.
Third, known to French as the American's "ketchup theory", the lady in the picture may not actually be La Joconde, but Leonardo himself - his self portrait as a female. That explains that smile. This school of theory suggests that Leonardo may be gay or at least bi-sexual.
These are all theories, as Catherine suggests. Which of these would you choose - it's up to you. As for me, I think I'd like to go for the first hypothesis.
So here's me and Myra again. Guess what we're doing (again) - trying hard to imitate the Mona Lisa Smile to no avail. I guess, I should stick to my Rhyanne smile instead.
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